Saturday, August 16, 2014

It's The Final Countdown

It's coming closer now. Next friday I'll be flying over the Atlantic, headed for New York.

Meanwhile, I still have a lot to do. My apartment is nearly empty, which is always a strange state to see your home in. Despite having lived here less than 2 years it really does feel like home. My place.

The past months have been an absolute roller coaster of emotions. There was a wedding to plan, which turned out to be a fantastic and happy day. The day after our wedding was spent filling out a crapload of forms for my visa-application, and when that was done we left for a few days of honeymoon, which provided some well-needed rest and relaxation and some wonderful memories.

After our honeymoon we had another important issue to take care of. I had one pet cockatiel left, who was in the temporary care of my uncle and aunt, and very happily so. But he was all by himself and I wanted him to be with his own species. So we called Zoo Veldhoven to ask if they could take care of him, and they told us to bring him over. It took one trip to Veldhoven and one giant emotional meltdown (yeah, that was me, and no, it wasn't pretty) but he is now in a giant aviary, in the company of at least a hundred other parakeets and visitors coming to feed him millet and play with him every day. I still cried for at least a week though, having to let him go like that after 15 years..

Next on the list was the long-dreaded visa-application. By that time I was a nervous wreck, I had provided all the info they needed and then a whole lot more. After going through security at the Amsterdam consulate I waited for about 45 minutes total -the actual interview took less than 5 minutes- I got the news that my visa was approved. I went outside, hugged Bram, screamed with relief and we went back home.
While hanging out in the passenger seat on the way back I called my housing corporation that I wanted to terminate my tenancy with them. From then on I had one month left to clear out my apartment.

Bram was flying back to New York that same week, so after saying goodbye to him at the airport I started the strenuous task of packing all my stuff, loading it in the car and putting it in my parents' attic that they so generously offered up for storage.

Then, one week later I had to say goodbye to my cousin who left to go volunteering in Fiji for 6 months, we won't see each other until next year... Thankfully she has internet access there so we'll keep in touch.

To add extra drama-points; Bram and I didn't even get to celebrate our one month wedding anniversary together, but I'll be there in time for my birthday so I just hope that's going to be extra special.

But today it's my dad's birthday! At least I'm still here to drink to his health and share stupid stories, so cheers!

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