Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wildlife Rescue in New York

Last time I said I would be getting news about volunteer-work, it's been 3 weeks now so I guess I got some 'splainin to do!

After extensively looking at the many possible volunteering opportunities this city has to offer through the most popular volunteer-matching websites, I found nothing that really sparked my enthusiasm. I tried out for one position but that turned out to be pretty much a dead end, and I figured out this might not be the way to go.

So back to Google I went, this time searching for wildlife rescue centers in New York City. My eye immediately fell on this website.

And would you believe it; they needed volunteers! I immediately signed up! Unfortunately the mail they sent me never appeared in my mailbox, but after two weeks of bugging them on facebook and twitter I finally got the invitation that had gotten lost in cyberspace.

So three weeks ago I took the crosstown bus to the Upper West Side and found a building that had display windows with actual doves flying around in them...

...and walked in for my volunteer-orientation. After learning the basics, I stayed for more than 3 hours helping out, meeting all these guys;


This is Benjamin, the Wild Bird Fund's tame one-eyed Cardinal. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in personality!

This turkey needed a foot bath for a wound.

after all of this I was rewarded with a trip to Central Park to release two little brown bats.

This one decided to hang around a bit longer..

After my first day I decided to sign up for two shifts a week, and I'm absolutely loving it!

Benjamin loves the camera

Two cute sleepy ducks

A duck and a chicken who don't care that they're different species. They won't let anyone stand in the way of their love!

My hair makes good nesting material apparently..

This turtle was about the size of my turtle before she escaped!

Just look at this guy. Biggest seagull I have ever seen, and also the most adorable.

On my second day I even got to assist with a minor surgery, which was one of the best things EVER!

Of course, it's a nonprofit organisation entirely dependant on volunteers and donations and we're struggling to keep going. But judging by the amount of birds that are brought in every day and the fact that this is the ONLY bird rescue center in NYC we provide a service that is very much needed. It feels great to be a part of such a cause, to make a difference for these poor creatures. About half of the birds that are brought in are in horrible condition and won't make it, but even then, we strive to make their ends as stress-free and painfree as possible. And it's so rewarding to see the ones that do make it go free again, healthy and happy.

I hope to volunteer much longer here and I'll try to post more pictures when I can. Except for next week. I won't be volunteering next week because my sister and her boyfriend are coming over tomorrow! TOURIST PARTY!!!! :D

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