To recap; My last week in the Netherlands was extremely taxing but I did it! My apartment was clean and empty when the landlord came to collect the keys, all paperwork had been taken care of and I managed to get my suitcase packed at the very last minute. My parents came back early from their vacation to bring me to the airport. Not for sentimental reasons but to make sure I was really gone, as my dad sweetly put it ;)
Normally I hate flying but now I was just happy to be able to sit still for 8 hours straight. I fell asleep as soon as we took off, which says something. Unfortunately, I didn't get to sleep much in the airplane, being seated next to an extremely talkative metalhead-viking (or MET'HLLL as he called it) from Bayern with long red hair, who had absolutely no regard for personal space. He spent half the flight invading my already sparse legroom and sleeping with his pillow propped comfortably against my shoulder (not the first time my shoulder has invited total strangers to fall aleep against it, seems like it needs to have a stern talking to), the other half of the flight he just talked enthousiastically about pretty much everything. I wasn't even mad, this guy was definitely the happiest, bubbliest metalhead I had ever encountered! But after 8 hours I was glad to get out of the plane again. Happy met'hlll puppy-viking had become friends with the girl sitting on the other side of me and they waved happily to me when we were waiting in line at customs. That was the last I saw of them.
When I finally got though customs Bram was waiting for me and we had a joyful reunion with lots of hugs! Then he got us a cab because I was too tired to haul my luggage through the subway system...
Back home I had another joyful reunion with Kitty, then Bram and I went to get Chinese food on the corner. That evening I went to sleep really early.
Monday was my birthday, Bram had decorated the living room before he went to work, and when he got back we went to eat sushi at a great japanese restaurant nearby. He also gave me a super plushy bathrobe that I wanted, and he actually got me an acoustic guitar! (it arrived a few days later, like having my birthday the whole week!)
The rest of the week I just slept, wached netflix and played video games. On that note, The Last of Us is by far the best game I have played in a LONG time! I'm not even a fan of shooters, or even zombie apocalypse games but this game is pure art. I can't recommend it enough!
Bram had a little mishap at work a little while back that caused him to bruise his ribs, so I had to hug him really carefully at the airport. (insert spare ribs-joke)
That was finally healing, but today some idiot decided to suddenly jump in front of Bram's bike, sending him plummeting to the concrete, scraping his knee and bruising his arm in the process.. (Because why the hell would you watch where you're going even after someone gave you a warning signal..?) I went to get a sling for his arm because apparently, it hurts like a motherfucker... So this long labor day-weekend isn't starting out very well for the poor guy.. I hope it gets better soon, I feel really bad for him..
That's all for now, I'm hoping to pick up the pace again next week, till then!